Friday, January 14, 2011

Random Nights with the fam

The other night, we had a family dinner at 306 north.  Luckily, Dane was off (which he never is) so we all got together and went to eat.  It was the first time in a LONG time that all 5 of us were together at once.  We had a good time and just talked about random things.  Here are two pictures from that night (wish I would have gotten more of dad and dane, but they HATE to have their pictures taken!

Another night later that week. Mom had us over for dinner at her house.  Tay was off work so he got to eat with me, Mrs. Cynthia, Mom, Meredith and Darby.

After dinner, Mrs Cynthia told us about her game that she learned on her cruise that was so fun to play.....look at the pictures and see if you can guess what the game is before I tell you!

Well the game was to squeeze a quarter in your booty and walk across the room and try to drop it in the cup!  Me, Cynthia and Mom tried probably 10 times each and NEVER did it right!  Guess who run the cup on the FIRST try!??

Taylor of course! Everything comes easy to him and he walked across and dropped it straight in the cup! It was so funny and I think he was a little surprised!  This game is a fun one to play with a group of people because it is really hard and guys get competitive about it!

I love that my family can get together and always have fun wether we are at a nice dinner or just laughing at home watching movies! I am truly blessed!

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